Jennifer Service, MD

Minnesota Forensic Psychiatry Consultants LLC.

Understanding the intersection of mental health and the legal system can be crucial for navigating complex legal issues, including criminal proceedings, personal injury cases, and disability claims. Minnesota Forensic Psychiatry Consultants provides expert opinions and analysis on these matters, making it an essential resource for individuals and businesses alike.

Dr. Jennifer Service Headshot

Jennifer Service, MD


Dr. Jennifer Service is board certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a subspecialty board certification in forensic psychiatry. She has more than twenty-five years of experience caring for adult psychiatric patients and completing civil and criminal forensic psychiatric assessments. Dr. Service graduated from the University of Minnesota's Medical School and completed an internal medicine internship at Salem Hospital in Salem, Massachusetts. She completed a psychiatry residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship at the Harvard Law and Psychiatry Service.

After returning to Minnesota, Dr. Service worked as a general and forensic psychiatrist at Hennepin County Medical Center. She then worked at the Minnesota Security Hospital in St Peter, Minnesota as a general and forensic psychiatrist. Dr. Service served as the Clinical Director for the Minnesota Security Hospital and ultimately served as the Forensic Medical Director for Minnesota State Operated Forensic Services where she provided clinical oversight and program development for Minnesota’s forensic mental health programs, which included, the Minnesota Security Hospital, Minnesota Sex Offender Program, Minnesota Extended Treatment Options, Special Needs Service, Competency to Stand Trial Program, Community Support Services, the Forensic Nursing Home, Community Support Services, Young Adult and Adolescent Programs, Community Preparation Services, and Transition Services.

For the past thirteen years, Dr. Service has been providing outpatient psychiatric care in person and via telehealth for a large nonprofit health system. She has provided consultation to various law firms in the Twin Cities, completed civil and criminal forensic psychiatric assessments, and has testified in both civil and criminal matters.

Assessments Offered

Forensic psychiatry assessments are an important tool for many legal cases and can help provide expert opinion on matters related to mental health and criminal justice. If your company is based in Minnesota and requires forensic psychiatry services, we can assist you with the following assessments. Virtual visits are also available for most assessments.

General Forensic Consultation
General forensic consultation involves providing expert advice, analysis, and opinions on legal cases related to psychological/psychiatric issues
Competency to Stand Trial Examinations
Competency to stand trial examinations evaluate an individual's mental and cognitive capacity to participate in legal proceedings and assist in their own defense.
Criminal Responsibility (Insanity) Examinations
Criminal responsibility (insanity) examinations assess an individual's mental state at the time of the crime to determine their ability to understand the nature and consequences of their actions and whether they can be held criminally responsible.
Disability Examinations
Disability examinations assess the cognitive or psychological impairments of an individual and their impact on daily functioning and work-related activities.
Fitness for Duty Assessments
Fitness for duty assessments evaluate an individual's ability to perform their job duties safely and effectively, taking into consideration their mental health and any potential risk factors.
Testamentary Capacity Assessments
Testamentary capacity assessments evaluate an individual's mental capacity to understand the nature and extent of their assets and make informed decisions regarding the distribution of their estate through a will.
Personal Injury Examinations (PTSD and Emotional Distress Assessments)
Personal injury examinations, including PTSD and emotional distress assessments, evaluate the psychological impact of a traumatic event on an individual's mental health and daily functioning.